AMAZO is a robotic character from the DC animated movie Injustice. Unlike the comic book version which was created by mad scientist Professor Anthony Ivo, this incarnation was created by the international terrorist Ra's al Ghul. Like previous versions, this AMAZO was built with the ability to copy the powers of its opponents.
On Earth-22, Superman becomes a tyrant as he - driven by the loss of his wife and the destruction of Metropolis - strives to protect humanity by forcefully ending all armed conflict across the world. Intrigued by the Man of Steel's new methodology and ideals, Ra's al Ghul approaches him and offers to help him in establishing his new regime, showing him his AMAZO android. At first, Clark distrusts Ra's as they have been enemies in the past, but is driven further into his obsession after the accidental death of his adoptive father, Jonathan.
After Ra's and the League of Assassins help Superman drive Batman's group out of the Fortress of Solitude, Ra's convinces Clark that his former comrades deserve severe punishment for their actions. Clark reconsiders Ra's' offer to use AMAZO in policing the population, asking to test the android's capabilities in a small town. Ra's decides to deploy AMAZO in Superman's hometown of Smallville. There, AMAZO witnesses a number of residents committing minor offences such as littering and improper parking and takes extremely violent action, attacking and killing the offenders before it starts murdering people indiscriminately.
Superman is shocked as he watches a live feed of AMAZO's rampage, but Ra's reveals that he had intended for this to happen and was planning to use Superman and AMAZO to assert his own dominance over the Earth. Superman heads to Smallville and calls upon his loyalists to help in confronting AMAZO, but the android's absorption cells allow it to adapt to the attacks of Wonder Woman, Hawkman and Cyborg. Both Cyborg and Hawkman are killed in the ensuing battle, but Superman receives reinforcements from Batman and his group.
AMAZO is heavily damaged over the course of the battle, having its face ripped off and being bisected, but continues to function. Taking advantage of the large opening in the android's body, Plastic Man stretches and oozes his way inside of AMAZO's tubing before expanding his elastic body into a large ball, destroying the killer robot from within.