Aamin Marritza was a Cardassian file clerk who worked in the Gallitep labour camp during the Cardassian Occupation of Bajor. He appeared in the DS9 episode "Duet", portrayed by Harris Yulin.
In 2357, twelve years before the end of the Occupation, Marritza served as a file clerk under Gul Darhe'el, the administrator of the Gallitep labour camp on Bajor. Unlike so many other Cardassians at the time, Marritza took no pride in his work and resented his people's enslavement and attempted genocide of the Bajorans. After the Occupation came to an end, he found himself still haunted by the memories of the horrific conditions at Gallitep, never forgetting the screams of suffering Bajoran slaves and the atrocious means at which those who failed to fall in line were disposed of.
Following the Cardassian withdrawal from Bajor, Marritza relocated to Kora II where he became an instructor in filing at the Cardassian Military Academy. While on Kora II, he underwent cosmetic surgery to resemble Gul Darhe'el, his former commander. His plan was to convince the Bajorans that he was Darhe'el so they would convict and punish him as a war criminal as a way to force Cardassia to acknowledge the atrocities committed during the Occupation of Bajor. He was also full of guilt concerning his service to Darhe'el and because he did nothing to help the Bajorans.
Marritza travelled to Deep Space 9 where he planned to be exposed as Darhe'el. He had a rare disease, Kalla-Nohra Syndrome, for which the only cases were the result of a mining accident at the Gallitep forced labour camp. He claimed to be Marritza in order to convince the Bajorans that he was really Darhe'el posing as Marritza. His plan was almost successful. He convinced Kira Nerys that he was the 'butcher' of Gallitep, clouding her judgment by boasting of the atrocities at the labour camp and filling her with so much rage that she wanted him to be Darhe'el.
Marritza's deception and plan was unraveled by Odo. Odo discovered Marritza was seeking information on Kira months ago, and that Gul Dukat told him that Gul Darhe'el was dead. More importantly, Gul Darhe'el wasn't on Bajor when the mining accident that caused the Kalla-Nohra condition occurred. Doctor Bashir found that Marritza had his face changed to look like Gul Darhe'el and was taking massive doses of a dermatiraelian plastiscine, a dermal regenerative agent. Even with all the evidence against him, Marritza asked Kira to help him complete his plan so that Cardassia could face up to its evils.
He was released and subsequently killed by a racist Bajoran that stabbed him in the back – not because he was Darhe'el, but simply because he was a Cardassian.