Abigail (portrayed by Ruby Rose) is a supporting character in Resident Evil: The Final Chapter. She is a member of a group of apocalypse survivors led by Doc who help Alice to enter the Hive.
Nothing is known about Abigail's life before the global T-Virus outbreak except that she once helped her father run an illegal "chop shop", which she hated. She managed to survive the apocalypse for ten years and joined with a group of survivors sheltering in the ruins of Raccoon City, helping them with her mechanical expertise.
When Alice arrived in Raccoon City, she tried to help the group fortify their shelter against an army of Undead being led by an Umbrella convoy. Abigail was able to repurpose several cranes into catapults which the group used to launch flaming barrels of gasoline at Umbrella's armoured trucks.
After the Umbrella attack, Abigail joined the group accompanying Alice into the Hive.
When the group passed a large air fan near the Hive's main entrance, Albert Wesker commanded the Red Queen to reverse the fan's polarity. The fan activated and began to pull the survivors toward it, though most of them found grips to hold onto. Abigail was not so lucky; despite Alice's attempts to save her, she was pulled into the fan and instantly torn apart.