Adam (portrayed by Charles Napier) was a supporting character in the Star Trek episode "The Way to Eden". He was one of numerous young followers of Dr. Sevrin who sought the mythical planet Eden. An accomplished musician, he played a guitar-type instrument, singing songs of Sevrin's call for an abandonment of technological society and an embrace of the natural life that preceded it.
After stealing the space cruiser Aurora in 2269, Adam and the rest of Sevrin's group were apprehended by the Federation starship USS Enterprise. He found a kindred spirit in Spock, encouraging the Vulcan to come play his lute with them. Later, he aided Sevrin in disabling the ship's crew and appropriating Enterprise shuttlecraft Galileo II.
Sevrin and his followers arrived on the planet that they believed to be Eden. While the world was lush and beautiful, its native flora was highly toxic; everything from the grass to the fruit of the trees was saturated with lethal acids. By the time the Enterprise crew arrived, Adam had already died as a result of eating an acid-saturated fruit.