Adrian Cross (portrayed by Tim Guinee) was a minor antagonist in Season 7 of Smallville. Appearing in the episode "Gemini", he was a faulty clone of Lex Luthor's deceased brother Julian. He was programmed with a set of false memories in order to live a life in the outside world, but a defect in his genetic sequencing caused him to age at an accelerated pace. After Adrian was supposedly discarded, Lex would go on to create a more stable clone: Grant Gabriel.
Adrian was willing to do whatever it took to shed light on Lex's cloning program. To that effect, he planted a bomb on Chloe Sullivan, and trapped her and Jimmy Olsen in a non-functioning elevator, and threatened to detonate it if Lois Lane didn't expose the truth about Lex's research on human cloning. Using Chloe as leverage, Adrian forced Lois to use her scheduled interview with Lex as a platform to get him to admit knowledge and responsibility of Project Gemini. Under his direction, Lois held Lex and Grant at gunpoint to try and force a confession.
However, Lex was able to overpower Lois and knock her unconscious. Adrian then stormed into Grant's office at the Daily Planet, and Grant realized that he, too, may be a clone. Lex then shot Adrian in front of Grant, telling Adrian that he wasn't his brother but a mistake. Just before Adrian died, he triggered the detonator on Chloe's bomb. However, Chloe and Jimmy were rescued by Bizarro posing as Clark Kent.
As a result of Adrian's appearance, a rift emerged between Lex and Grant that was never resolved until Lex had Grant killed.