Agent McGinnis (portrayed by Blake Robbins) is a minor character from Firefly who appears in the episode Ariel. A federal marshal with the Union of Allied Planets, he was stationed on the planet Ariel around the time that the Serenity crew attempted a heist of medical supplies from St. Lucy's Hospital.
Jayne Cobb betrayed his crew by informing McGinnis of the heist, hoping to be rewarded with a vast amount of money for delivering Simon and River Tam to the Alliance. However, McGinnis captured Jayne along with the Tams, hoping to claim the reward for himself.
While Jayne, Simon and River attempted to escape, the mysterious "Hands of Blue" - a pair of Alliance black-ops agents - arrived at the hospital. When they met with McGinnis, they asked if he or his men had spoken with the prisoners. While McGinnis had spoken with the prisoners for as much as the interrogation required, this was enough for the blue-gloved men to determine McGinnis as a liability and they killed him using a device that emitted harmful ultrasonic noise, causing McGinnis to bleed out of every orifice in his head.