Movie Morgue Wiki

Akaar (portrayed by Ben Gage) was a minor character from Season 2 of Star Trek, appearing in the episode "Friday's Child". He was High Teer, or leader, of the Ten Tribes of Capella IV late in the 23rd century. A distinguished man of middle years, he was nonetheless a formidable warrior. Very near the end of his tenure, emissaries from both the Klingon Empire and the Federation approached him seeking a mining accord. Both powers needed the rare mineral topaline, and sought Akaar's approval to mine it on Capella. The Klingon agent, Kras, struck a secret deal with Maab, who staged a coup during which Akaar was murdered. He was survived by his then pregnant wife Eleen, a situation that created political complications for Maab.

Tradition dictated that Eleen be murdered to prevent the birth of her child, who would be the rightful Teer. The Federation envoys, Kirk, Spock and McCoy objected, and fled into the nearby foothills with Eleen. There she gave birth to Leonard James Akaar, who became the new Teer with his mother as regent. The Federation eventually obtained a mining treaty.
