Movie Morgue Wiki

Al (portrayed by Ray Strachan) was a minor character in the anti-Christmas film Violent Night. He was a friendly security guard who worked for the wealthy Lightstone family. While he wasn't especially fond of most members of the family (especially when they made him work on Christmas Eve), he did get along well with Jason Lightstone and his daughter Trudy.


Al was the first character to die in the film. As Mr. Scrooge's team of mercenaries were preparing for their heist inside the Lightstone mansion, the mastermind himself walked up to the security booth where Al was stationed, claiming to be a lost motorist. Al told Martinez that the road was private, wondering how he could get lost somewhere he shouldn't have access to in the first place. As Martinez continued to joke and lie about his circumstances, Al reached over to the telephone so he could call for a pickup truck. It was then that Martinez drew a silenced 9mm pistol and shot Al point-blank in the head, killing him instantly.
