Ali (portrayed by Nick Savage) was the secondary antagonist of the slasher horror film Friday the 13th - Part 3. He was the leader of a motorcycle gang consisting of himself, Fox and Loco. He and his gang hassled Vera Sanchez and Shelly Finkelstein when they went to get groceries from the convenience store. When the two friends left in their borrowed car, Shelly accidentally reversed into the gang's bikes which were parked behind them. Ali responded to this by smashing the car's windows with a chain, which Shelly didn't take kindly to and retaliated by running over their bikes again.
Ali was furious and he, Fox and Loco followed the car back to Higgins Haven, planning to get revenge. They decided to burn down the barn adjacent to the lodge, when they entered the barn they were picked off one after the other by Jason Voorhees, who was hiding out inside. First, Fox was stuck to a wooden beam with a pitchfork through her throat, followed by Loco who was forked in the stomach. After finding his friends dead, Ali was confronted by Jason who beat him with a wrench and left him for dead in the barn while he stalked the Wild Bunch inside the lodge.
Ali survived the beating he received from Jason and remained in the barn up until the film's finale. While Jason is attempting to kill Chris Higgins, Ali emerges from the shadows and tackles the masked killer. Jason turns and chops off Ali's hand with the machete. While Ali is writhing in shock and pain, Jason brings the machete down upon him and hacks him to pieces.