Ana (portrayed by Brina Palencia) is a minor character from the fourth season of The Walking Dead. She makes her one and only appearance in the episode "Indifference".
Whilst Rick Grimes and Carol Peletier are searching an abandoned house for supplies, they find Ana and her boyfriend Sam hiding upstairs. Sam has a dislocated shoulder which Carol helps pop back into place, for which Ana is very grateful.
Ana and Sam explain to Rick that the two of them are on their own having been separated from the last group of survivors they were with. When Rick asks how they weren't able to confront just one walker, they admit that they are not very adept at killing zombies and have been trying to lay low.
Ana and Sam ask Rick if they can join his group and Ana volunteers to go and gather fruit from an abandoned greenhouse to prove her worth. They arrange to meet up again an hour later, but when Rick and Carol head for the meeting place, they discover Ana's severed leg lying next to a picket fence. Not far away is Ana's body which is being devoured by a pair of zombies. As for Sam, there is no sign of him at all.