Andre (portrayed by Mekhi Phifer) is a supporting character from Zack Snyder's Dawn of the Dead. He and his pregnant wife Luda are among the group of apocalypse survivors from Wisconsin that take refuge from the zombies in the Crossroads Shopping Mall. Formerly a petty criminal, Andre had hoped to make something of his life and be a good father to his child. Even in the face of the living dead, he is still resolute and determined to bring his baby into the world.
While the survivors work to fortify the mall, Luda is wounded by a zombie. The wound is small, so Andre and Luda are able to hide it from the others, but later it becomes clear that bites are how the infection is spread. Andre fears for the wellbeing of Luda and their child but refuses to accept that they will inevitably turn. He is steadily driven insane by this inner conflict and goes to great lengths to conceal Luda's condition from the rest of the survivors.
Several days into their isolation, Andre and Luda are ready to have their child. Luda does not survive labour and reanimates seconds after death, but Andre has prepared for this and had Luda tied to a bed in the back room of the baby goods store. While the zombified Luda gnashes at her husband, she gives birth to her baby, which has also become a zombie. In his delusional state, Andre is overjoyed and cradles the undead child in his arms.
Norma walks into the room to check on Luda and is horrified to find her turned into a zombie. She raises a gun to Luda's head, but Andre becomes hostile and raises his own to Norma. Norma shoots Luda and turns to Andre, who shoots her as well. Both of them die, with Andre still clutching his baby.