Annie Phillips (portrayed by Robbi Morgan) is a supporting character in Friday the 13th. On June 13th 1980, she was due to start her new job as a counselor at the reopened Camp Crystal Lake. Arriving in the town of Crystal Lake, she asked for directions to the camp at a local diner. One of the patrons agreed to give her a ride as far as the cemetery, but warned her that the camp was cursed, telling her about the two counselors that were murdered in 1958 and the numerous accidents surrounding the camp in the years since. Optimistic and adventurous, Annie wasn't frightened by these stories and was determined to see this job through.
After getting off at the cemetery, Annie soon hitched another ride with a rather silent driver. Unfortunately, Annie had no idea that she had just been picked up by Pamela Voorhees (whose face remained off-camera for the entire scene). After Annie had told her she was going to Camp Crystal Lake, Pamela drove her past the turning to the camp. When Pamela ignored her pleas to stop the Jeep, Annie opened the passenger door while the car was still moving and jumped out. Hurt by the fall, she hobbled her way into the woods, but Pamela caught up to her and murdered her by slitting her throat.