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Movie Morgue Wiki

Arak'Taral is a Jem'Hadar soldier who held the rank of Second. He appeared in the Deep Space Nine episode "Hippocratic Oath" and was portrayed by Stephen Davies.

Arak'Taral followed Goran'Agar to Bopak III in 2372, hoping to be cured of his addiction to ketracel-white, the drug that all Jem'Hadar require to survive. However, Arak'Taral began to question Goran'Agar's authority as time passed and their addiction remained, as well as the fact that Goran'Agar began to develop sympathies contrary to Jem'Hadar doctrine. Arak'Taral was shot dead by Goran'Agar when it became apparent that there was no hope of curing him or the other soldiers.
