B'Etor (portrayed by Gwynyth Walsh) was a recurring antagonist along with her sister Lursa in Star Trek: The Next Generation. In the wake of their brother Duras' death, the sisters became dual heads of the House of Duras, a notorious family of Klingon criminals which had time and again attempted to conquer the Klingon Empire through duplicitous activities. The conniving Duras sisters meet their demise in Star Trek: Generations.
Star Trek: Generations[]
In 2371, Lursa and B'Etor struck a deal with El-Aurian scientist Dr. Tolian Soran: they acquire a supply of trilithium for the doctor's experiments and Soran helps them to develop a trilithium-based weapon with which to threaten the Klingon High Council. The Duras sisters stole a supply of trilithium from a Romulan outpost and gave it to Soran so that he could properly research and refine it, but the Romulans came in search of their stolen property and attacked the Armagosa Observatory where Soran was carrying out his work.
The sisters later retrieved Soran as well as captive Enterprise engineer Geordi La Forge. Soran sabotaged Geordi's VISOR and turned it into a surveillance device, then Lursa and B'Etor later negotiated a prisoner exchange with the Enterprise: Captain Picard would surrender himself in exchange for Geordi after he had been allowed to meet with Soran on the surface of Veridian III. The exchange was made and Geordi was returned to the Enterprise, with none of the crew aware that Geordi has been turned into an unknowing spy. When Geordi returned to Engineering, his gaze passed over a monitor displaying the Enterprise's shield frequency. The Klingons adjusted their ship's weapons to match and then opened fire on the Enterprise, bypassing their shields and inflicting heavy damage.
In the middle of the battle, the Enterprise sent out an ionic pulse at the Klingons' Bird-of-Prey, which disrupted the ship's defective plasma coils that were connected to the vessel's cloaking device. The pulse triggered the cloaking device, rendering the Klingon ship invisible but also disabling its weapons and shields. In this moment of confusion, Lursa and B'Etor were unable to take action to save their ship as it was struck by a photon torpedo fired from the Enterprise. The ship was destroyed with all hands.