Barkley (portrayed by Matthew T. Metzler) is a minor character in Maze Runner: The Scorch Trials. He was a survivor of the Flare who lived out in the Scorch, residing with a gang of other survivors. He was also a double agent working for WCKD.
After Thomas and his friends arrived at Jorge's compound, they found themselves chained up. To save face with his gang, Jorge told them he planned to sell the children back to WCKD, but he actually wanted to help them find the Right Arm. Barkley, on the other hand, was intent on selling the children back to WCKD and contacted A.D. Janson, telling him where they were.
Just as the Gladers had managed to escape from their bonds, Barkley caught them before they could flee. Thomas attacked Barkley, but Barkley pushed him back and very nearly shot him. He was suddenly shot in the back by Brenda.