Movie Morgue Wiki
Long halloween 1

This article covers the background character deaths that occur in Batman: The Long Halloween - Part 1.

  • As the film begins, a group of triggermen on Carmine Falcone's payroll carry out a drive-by shooting of Sal Maroni's restaurant, killing an unknown number of patrons.
  • Johnny Viti - Nephew of Carmine Falcone who was providing evidence on him to Harvey Dent. He becomes the first victim of the mysterious "Holiday Killer" when he is shot dead while in the bathtub on Halloween.
  • Falcone and his lieutenants meet in the wake of Viti's murder. One of these lieutenants, Antoni, speaks out of turn when he suggests going after Harvey Dent. Falcone has his henchman Milos take Antoni out of the room and throw him down a stairwell to his death.
  • On Thanksgiving, the Holiday Killer strikes again, gunning down Mickey Chen and his Triad gang as they celebrate Mickey's release from police custody.
  • Batman finds Sal Maroni disposing of two bodies, both showing ghoulish grins as the result of Joker Venom poisoning. Apparently the Joker had murdered all of the staff and most of the patrons at Maroni's restaurant by poisoning the food.
  • At Christmas, Milos comes out of the bathroom to find the two guards posted outside Falcone's bedroom dead on the floor, both poisoned by the Joker.
  • Just after the Joker escapes from Falcone's penthouse, Milos is shot outside the building's front door by Holiday. A snowglobe is placed beside the body.
  • On New Year's Eve, the Joker steals a crop-duster plane in order to douse Gotham Square with poison gas. At the airfield, he used Joker Venom to murder the plane's pilot and two ground crew members.