Beatrice (portrayed by Briana Venskus) was a minor supporting character in the survival-horror series The Walking Dead. First appearing in Season 7, she was a resident of the survivors' community known as Oceanside. Like other members of her community, she was wary of meeting survivors outside of her group until they encountered members of Rick Grimes' group. Though their first meeting was on less than friendly terms, Beatrice and the other residents of Oceanside would later lend aid to Alexandria in their war against the Saviors.
Following the Savior conflict, Beatrice would become more involved with activities concerning all of the survivor communities. However, she and many other Oceansiders held a bitter grudge against the surviving Saviors that had since integrated into Alexandria and they went about taking their vengeance against those responsible for killing their loved ones back before Oceanside had been established.
Six years after Rick Grimes' apparent death, Beatrice continued to support the Coalition as a member of its militia.
In the Season 10 episode "A Certain Doom", the Coalition's conflict with the Whisperers reached its climax. Trapped inside an abandoned hospital surrounded on all sides by the undead, the Coalition survivors devised a plan to lure the horde away. Adorning themselves in anoraks covered in zombie blood to hide themselves from the walkers, Daryl Dixon, Carol Peletier, Luke Abrams, Jules Butler, Magna and Beatrice attempted to make their way to the other side of the horde whilst carrying backpacks full of audio equipment.
As the heroes moved through the horde, Beatrice came across a Whisperer hiding amongst the undead masses. The two drew knives, with Beatrice slashing her attacker's chest while she was stabbed in the ankle. Their drawn blood drew the attention of the zombies surrounding them and Beatrice was swarmed and quickly eaten alive. Her backpack was then picked up by Lydia, who delivered it to the wagon located beyond the horde.