Movie Morgue Wiki

Bell (portrayed by Junior Laniyan) is a soldier in Henry West's unit in 28 Days Later.


During the Rage epidemic in Great Britain, Major West and his men fled from the overwhelming Infected presence in Manchester, fortifying themselves inside Worsley House on the M602. With morale all but deteriorated, the Major promised that any women they rescued from the outbreak would be forced into sexual slavery.


When Jim returned to Worsley House after evading execution, he released the infected Mailer and set him loose inside the mansion. Bell was terrified and in his panic he wasted his ammunition. Defenceless, he tried to hide in the mansion's disused nursery. Jim later found Bell but wasted no time with him, fleeing through a window. Bell cried out, begging Jim not to leave him, but his outcries only invited Mailer and the recently infected Clifton to his location. The two maddened soldiers then mauled Bell to death.
