Ben (portrayed by Chris Sheffield) is a minor character from the film adaptation of The Maze Runner. He is a teenage boy living among the other boys occupying the enclosed environment of the Glade. Among the Gladers, Ben is a Builder, responsible for constructing shelters and tools.
Shortly after the arrival of Thomas, Ben spontaneously goes berserk and attacks Thomas while he is gathering fertilizer in the woods. Thomas manages to overpower Ben after hitting him over the head with a deer skull. Afterwards, Alby and the other Gladers come to see what has happened to Ben and the med-jacks lift his shirt to find that he has been stung by a Griever, one of the monsters inhabiting the Maze. With the Grief toxin running through his veins, Ben has become too dangerous to stay in the Glade and Alby has him banished into the Maze.
Later in the film, Thomas and Minho are inside the Maze and find shreds of Ben's clothing near the Blades, indicating that Ben is dead. Most likely Ben was killed and devoured by a Griever, though this cannot be confirmed.