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Ben Bertolucci was a minor character from Resident Evil: Welcome to Raccoon City. Based on the character from the video game Resident Evil 2, he was an independent journalist and conspiracy theorist who had been investigating the activities of the Umbrella Corporation, suspecting them of developing biological weapons.


At some point prior to the film's events, Ben had met Claire Redfield through an online chatroom. Claire, having grown up in an orphanage run by Umbrella, was also suspicious of the company. In late September 1998, Ben had sent a videotape to Claire where he announced that he had discovered that something had been leaked into Raccoon City's drinking water that was making people sick. He begged Claire to blow the whistle on Umbrella before any further damage could be done to the city. Claire tried to contact Ben for two weeks after receiving the tape, but never got a response. Thus, Claire decided to go into Raccoon to find Ben herself and reconnect with her brother Chris.

When Claire arrived in Raccoon, it soon became clear that something was terribly wrong. The streets were eerily desolate and the few people she did see appeared to be very sick, wandering about in a daze with blood trickling from their eyes. Claire visited her brother's house where she showed him Ben's tape, but Chris dismissed Ben's warning as a baseless conspiracy theory. Later, as the infected population became zombies and took to the streets, Claire made her way to the police station where she met up with rookie police officer Leon Kennedy. As the pair loaded up on guns and ammunition from the armoury, they heard a voice coming from the basement.


Claire sent Leon down to the basement on his own to investigate and he found Ben locked up in a holding cell, begging to be let out. Leon asked why Ben had been locked up, also noting that Ben's cellmate appeared to be in terrible condition. Looking over Leon, Ben pondered why he hadn't been infected yet, believing that Umbrella had bought out the police department and vaccinated them.

Unfortunately, Leon wandered too close to the cell, allowing Ben to grab hold of him and steal his gun. Ben pointed the gun at Leon and demanded he grab the keys from the desk and unlock his cell. Leon complied steadily while Ben mocked him. Unfortunately for Ben, as soon as Leon unlocked and opened the door, his cellmate, now a zombie, rose up and attacked him, ripping out a chunk of his neck and severing an artery, causing him to profusely bleed to death and die of shock in moments. The zombie then turned its attention to the unarmed Leon, wrestling him to the desk. Leon was saved at the last minute by Claire. However, she immediately recognized Ben and was distraught at the sight of his body.
