Bertha Washington (portrayed by CCH Pounder) is a supporting character in RoboCop 3. She was a resident of Detroit's Cadillac Heights district who was forcefully evicted from her home by Omni Consumer Products so the corporation could demolish her neighbourhood to make way for the construction of Delta City. As OCP's army of Urban Rehabilitators threw residents into the streets, Bertha rallied many of them into taking up arms and fighting back, including a young girl called Nikko Halloran who possessed extraordinary computer hacking skills. With Nikko's help, Bertha and her rebels managed to raid a Rehab armoury, stealing several firearms and an experimental flight pack designed for RoboCop.
When Paul McDaggett and the Rehabs tried to force a group of refugees out of an old church, RoboCop and Officer Anne Lewis stood up to them. A shootout ensued that left Lewis dead and RoboCop badly damaged. Bertha and her people rescued RoboCop and later enlisted the help of Dr. Marie Lazarus, the OCP scientist responsible for RoboCop's maintenance. Lazarus willingly supported the rebels and repaired RoboCop's damaged body.
One of Bertha's supposed allies, Coontz, betrayed the rebels by selling the location of their hideout to McDaggett. Coontz led the Rehabs down into the sewers where they attacked the resistance hideout, gunning down anyone who attempted to fight back. Bertha herself was shot by McDaggett. As she lay dying, Bertha told Nikko to run and hide before succumbing to her wounds.