Billie Otter (portrayed by Cy Carter) was a Private in the Federation Mobile Infantry in Starship Troopers 2. He was a member of Bravo Six, led by Sergeant Dede Rake. He had little combat experience by the time his unit was deployed to Zulu Alpha and suffered panic attacks in response to the carnage he witnessed.
While in the infantry, Private Lei Sahara often looked after Otter as Sergeant Rake may rather have killed him instead. While volunteering for a minor errand, he was given a knife by Captain Dax. Later on, Otter, along with Private Brick, were trapped in the barracks of Hotel Delta 1-8-5 by Corporal Griff and Sergeant Peck, and became infected with Control Bugs.
Under the influence of the Control Bug, Otter used Dax's knife to murder Lieutenant Dill. He almost did the same to Sahara when he locked himself in a room with her, but Sahara managed to take Otter's sidearm and shot him with it.