Bjorn Johannesson, also known by the codename Gingerbread, was a supporting character in the 2022 anti-Christmas movie Violent Night. He was a member of Mr. Scrooge's gang who attacked the Lightstone family compound in order to steal $300 million from their vault.
In 2022, Bjorn Johannesson was recruited by Jimmy Martinez to take part in a heist at the Lightstone family compound. With the heist due to take place at Christmas, all of the mercenaries were given Christmas-themed codenames, with Bjorn's being "Gingerbread". Prior to the heist, Gingerbread got himself hired as Gertrude Lightstone's butler, putting him in the ample position to prepare the others for the operation.
On Christmas Eve, the gang put their plan into action. After Gingerbread knocked out the guard who was on monitor duty, the rest of the gang proceeded to secure the mansion and murdered the security guards and serving staff. The family members were all rounded up and brought to the main lounge where Mr. Scrooge proclaimed his intention of stealing the cash in Gertrude's vault. However, the plan started going awry after the gang heard a noise from outside. They looked out the front door where they found the body of Tinsel, impaled on a decorative icicle on the porch after supposedly falling out of a window. Scrooge, Gingerbread and Candy Cane checked the security cameras to discover that Tinsel had been pushed by a man dressed as Santa Claus. Later on, the gang lost contact with another of theirs, Frosty, who had also been killed by Santa. Mr. Scrooge tried to contact Frosty's radio and Santa picked up, demanding that the mercenaries leave the Lightstones alone.
Some time later, Mr. Scrooge was able to capture Santa. He, Gingerbread and Candy Cane interrogated Santa and demanded to know who he was, but Santa explained that genuinely was the real Santa Claus of Christmas legend. To back up his claim, he referred to Gingerbread by his real name, stating that as a child, he had asked for Santa to bring him a bike fifty times each Christmas. He further cemented his claim when he told Candy Cane how he knew that she had bullied her brother and made him eat worms. Candy Cane and Gingerbread started to believe that he really was Santa while Mr. Scrooge dismissed it as a coincidence, throwing Santa's bag into the fireplace. Just as Scrooge was about to kill Santa, the mercenaries were suddenly distracted by what appeared to be snow coming from the inside. However, Mr. Scrooge realized it was just styrofoam being blown through the air vents from the attic by the Lightstones' youngest daughter, Trudy. Gingerbread then noticed Santa teleport through the chimney and was further convinced that he was real.
After finding out that Trudy was hiding in the attic, Gingerbread and Candy Cane went there in order to kill the girl. When they found the attic ladder, they saw a patch of carpet on the floor with several nails and other sharp objects embedded in it, believing it to be a poor attempt to create a Home Alone-style booby-trap. Looking at the ladder, Gingerbread saw a single large nail sticking out of one of the rungs. He mocked Trudy, telling her that booby-traps only work when they're hidden. What Gingerbread failed to notice, however, was that the rung above the nailed rung had been sawed through, so when he stepped on it, it gave way and he fell, with his jaw falling over the nail which penetrated into his mouth.
Candy Cane went after Trudy herself while Gingerbread removed his chin from the nail. However, Trudy had set up another trap that sent bowling balls rolling towards Candy Cane. One of the balls fell through the trap-door and hit Gingerbread on the head, knocking him into the carpet full of nails and causing him even more pain. After painstakingly pulling himself off the bed of nails, Gingerbread pulled out one nail that had gotten stuck in his rear. As he stared at the nail, another bowling ball tumbled out of the attic, falling on the nail and driving it through Gingerbread's skull, puncturing his brain and killing him.