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Bob Lamson is a minor character from Season 5 of The Walking Dead. He is a police officer from Atlanta, working under Dawn Lerner to try and keep Grady Memorial Hospital running in the midst of the post-apocalyptic hell that the city has become. He is portrayed by Maximiliano Hernandez.


First appearing in the episode "Crossed", Lamson and fellow officer Amanda Shepherd are sent to investigate the sound of gunshots on one of the streets near Grady Memorial. They find escaped ward Noah and attempt to take him back, but are ambushed by Rick Grimes and his group.

Bob and Amanda are taken to a warehouse where Rick explains to them that he is willing to hand them back to Dawn in exchange for Beth Greene and Carol Peletier who are both being kept at the hospital. However, while his hands are tied, Bob speaks to Sasha Williams who is keeping lookout with a sniper rifle. Bob asks Sasha to do him a favour and shoot a walker that was melted to the street by the military's napalm strike, stating that he was an old friend. Sasha decides to grant Bob's request, but as she aims through the window, Bob gets up and shoulder-slams Sasha, knocking her out before he runs away.


In the episode "Coda", Lamson flees frantically but is chased down by his own squad car with Rick at the wheel. Rick orders Lamson to stop, but his commands are ignored and the officer keeps running. Rick rams Lamson down, fracturing his spine and crippling him. Lamson begs for his life, but Rick isn't willing to listen any more and he shoots the officer in the head.
