Cardinal Ignatius Glick is a supporting character from the View Askew film Dogma. He is the head minister of a small church in New Jersey and plans a celebration for the church's centennial anniversary. He is portrayed by the late George Carlin.
In hopes to get publicity for the centennial event, Glick announces the Catholicism WOW! campaign which he uses to update the Catholic Church for a younger generation. The leading symbol of the campaign is the Buddy Christ, which Glick describes as a more realistic depiction of Jesus Christ than the Christ-on-a-Cross depiction. His campaign is nearly put in jeopardy when the film's main characters Bethany, Rufus and Jay and Silent Bob try to stop the centennial celebration so that the two fallen angels Loki and Bartleby can't carry through with their plenary indulgence plan. Glick refuses to comply due to his needs for the WOW campaign.
As the centennial festival begins, Glick's announcement is interrupted by the arrival of Bartleby and Loki. By this point, Bartleby has been twisted by resentment and rage towards God and humanity and decides to slaughter everyone at the festival, since his sins will be absolved once he enters the church. When Bethany and her friends arrive, they are startled when Bartleby (who has revealed his wings and taken flight) suddenly drops Cardinal Glick right beside them. Glick's head splatters on impact with the ground.
While God later destroys Bartleby and cleans up the scene of carnage he created, it is unknown if this included resurrecting Glick or any of the other people who were murdered.