Movie Morgue Wiki

Cheryl (portrayed by Rebecca Koon) was a minor character that appeared in Season 10 of The Walking Dead. Appearing in the episodes "Bonds" and "Open Your Eyes", she was an elderly resident of Alexandria. She was a cheerful, if snarky, woman who became close friends with Siddiq.

After the Whisperers contaminated Alexandria's water supply by bleeding walkers into the stream that provided the town's water, several residents - including Cheryl - fell ill. At first it was believed to be a stomach bug, but as more residents got sick, it was feared to be something much worse.

Despite her illness, Cheryl maintained a chipper attitude, even consoling Siddiq as he lamented over the situation. She told him that she had lived a full life with no regrets and that Siddiq needed to step back from his duties and rest for a while as he was burning himself out from worry and enduring symptoms of PTSD. She reminded Siddiq that other people needed him more than she did and that he needed to be fully-rested if he was going to help them.


In the episode "Open Your Eyes", Siddiq comes into Cheryl's room to find her bed empty. After going outside, he finds Dante wrapping Cheryl's body in a blanket in preparation for burial. It is presumed that Cheryl had succumbed to her illness and Dante had lobotomized her to prevent her reanimation.

The truth about Cheryl's death is much darker, however. In the episode "The World Before", it is revealed that Cheryl had suffocated after Dante had smothered her with a pillow. He did, however, stab her brain to stop her from reanimating.
