Movie Morgue Wiki

Charles "Chuck" Garth is a supporting character in Friday the 13th - Part III. He was portrayed by David Katims.

Chuck and his fiance Chili were friends of Chris Higgins. They joined her, Andy Beltrami, Debbie Klein, Shelly Finkelstein and Vera Sanchez on a vacation to Higgins Haven, a small resort located near Crystal Lake. During the van drive to the resort, when the Wild Bunch stopped to pick up Vera, the gang thought that the van had caught fire only to find that it was actually Chuck and Chili smoking bongs in the back.


Later that night at Higgins Haven, Chuck goes outside to use the outhouse, when suddenly, the outhouse starts shaking. He steps outside and sees a lone figure by the barn, thinking it was Shelly. Chili joins him and they both go into the barn to investigate. Finding no one there, they go back to the house to make popcorn. Suddenly, the lights go out and Chili sends Chuck down into the basement to fix the problem. After Chuck turns the power on, Jason, who has been standing behind him, grabs him and throws him like a rag doll at the fuse box, electrocuting him and killing him instantly.
