Movie Morgue Wiki

Cynthia is a robotic "synthoid" that appears in the Batman Beyond episode, "Terry's Friend Dates A Robot". She was voiced by Sheri Appleby.


After damaging one of Bruce Wayne's training synths during an exercise session in the Batcave, Terry McGinniss visited a synthoid factory to get the damaged robot replaced. Accompanying him at the time was his high-school friend Howard Groote. While Terry was filling out forms for the replacement synthoid, Howard explored the factory and ran into Louie, a worker who was illegally creating synthoids that could pass as humans for customers. Howard was planning to host a party that week while his parents were away, but didn't have a date. Desperate for a girlfriend, he decided to buy a synthoid from Louie, even paying for it on his parents' credit card. He told Louie to make the robot an attractive redhead with emerald-green eyes who would be completely loyal and devoted to him.

The next day, Howard went to school with his new "girlfriend" in tow, naming her "Cynthia". The students were stunned to see that Howard had such an attractive girlfriend (or any girlfriend at all), with Nelson Nash telling his friends that he was going to put Howard in his place later on. Cynthia overheard this and later attempted to kill Nelson in the boys locker room by pushing a row of lockers onto him. No one saw the incident, although Cynthia left a pair of hand-shaped imprints in the locker she had pushed. When Chelsea Cunningham later accepted Howard's invitation to his party, Cynthia tried to kill her by pushing the school's rooftop sign on her, but Terry appeared and started questioning her.

On Friday night, several students turned up to Howard's party. Some of the girls even flirted with Howard a little, but Cynthia reacted to these advances aggressively, shoving any girl who so much as talked to Howard. Seeing how she was behaving, Howard took Cynthia to his room to try and let her down easy. In response, Cynthia went haywire and started attacking Howard and the other guests.


As Cynthia started attacking Howard's guests, Batman arrived and tried to stop her, but the robot proved to be too strong. Howard tried to appeal to Cynthia one last time, telling her that they could still be friends, making Batman cringe in disbelief at Howard's naiveté in dating. Cynthia did not react well to being "friend-zoned" and suffered a fatal malfunction. Batman got Howard out of the house just in time before Cynthia self-destructed, the resulting explosion destroying the house.
