Movie Morgue Wiki

This article lists the various minor/background character deaths that occur in the horror/comedy film Feast II: Sloppy Seconds.

  • The first victim of the film is a German Shepherd dog encountered by Biker Queen outside the bar where the first film took place. Seeing a severed hand in the dog's mouth, Biker Queen raises a shotgun and shoots the dog. She then inspects the hand and discovers it belonged to her twin sister, Harley Mom.
  • When the monsters attacked the town, Lightning was in the middle of having sex with his girlfriend who was leaning out of an open window. A monster attacked and grabbed the girl. As Lightning tried to pull his partner back inside the room, the beast pulled back and ripped off the girl's head.
  • As Thunder and Lightning run away from the trailer park, a man is thrown against a signpost from off-screen.
  • At the town jail, the Hobo is being questioned by the Sheriff when the monsters attack. The Hobo is safe inside his cell, but he watches as the Sheriff is mauled to death by one of the creatures.
  • After seeing people running from monsters in the street, Slasher gets in his car and tries to flee. He reverses into two people, and while he doesn't appear to kill them, they most likely are too badly hurt to run away from the monsters. Slasher also runs over the head of a monster lying on the ground.
  • The next day, Biker Queen and her gang - with the Bartender in tow - arrive in town to find it in ruins. Dead bodies and pieces thereof are laying all over the streets.
  • Biker Queen's three gang members are waiting outside the car dealership when a monster attacks. Two of the bikers get inside the building but close the door on the third. The third biker is grabbed by the monster and torn apart. Most of the bloody details aren't shown as the death scene is shot from the inside of the dealership, showing only glimpses of what's happening through the boards covering the window.
  • As the survivors run through an alley, a monster appears through a gap in the wall, seperated by a set of rebars. The bikers raise their guns and shoot the monster before continuing to run away.
  • The survivors reach Bozo's apartment but find it empty. A family of survivors hiding in the opposite apartment open their door and raise weapons at the group, telling them to get out. Following a brief stand-off, the two younger residents are shot dead while the father is wounded. Tat Girl then raises a pair of hammers and kills the father by smashing his skull in.
  • The survivors make it to Thunder and Lightning's garage. When Slasher opens the door, a monster appears and Biker Queen shoots it in the head. However, the monster was already dead as Lightning had killed it earlier by stabbing it in the gonads.
  • From her hiding spot, Honey Pie watches an injured woman in a formerly white dress crawl across the ground. A pair of monsters catch her and drag her away screaming. What happens to her is not shown, but it is safe to assume that she does not survive.
  • Greg Swank decides to dissect the monster that Lightning had supposedly killed earlier. After a gruesome scene in which the survivors get splattered with the creature's vomit, faeces and even semen, they notice that the creature is still somewhat alive as a large eye inside the torso cavity is looking at them. The creature then lets out a deafening shriek that only stops when Biker Queen blasts it with her shotgun, putting it down for good.
  • A dazed and confused Honey Pie watches from inside a convenience store as a monster rapes a cat. A minute later, the creature's offspring tears its way out of its "mother's" body.
  • The next morning, the survivors on the roof of the key store hear the sound of a baby crying. Greg, in an uncharacteristic act of bravery, uses a loose cable to abseil down from the store roof and pulls the baby out of a wrecked Sedan. Two monsters chase Greg and the infant down. In order to get away faster, Greg decides to abandon the baby, throwing him up into the air to distract the monsters from coming after him. Shortly after the baby hits the ground, the monsters descend upon him and devour him, leaving behind only a severed arm.
  • A monster climbs up to the key store roof and bites Splat Girl's leg. Biker Queen and Tat Girl turn their guns on the creature and shoot it to death.
  • Puker - A survivor apart from the main group, portrayed by Kent Jude Bernard. At some point, this man got puked on by monsters. Having not washed the vomit off, his skin partially melts. The main group watch the Puker stagger out into the street with two monsters encircling him. He appears to be delerious as he rants about "winning", possibly referring to surviving being covered in acidic puke for so long. After proclaiming to be fine, he then falls over dead.
  • Back at the convenience store, Honey Pie is attacked by the monster that had been born from the raped cat. She manages to kill the small beast after repeatedly ramming its head against the bulletproof glass of the shop door.