Frankie Cheeks was a supporting character in the horror film Final Destination 3. He was a survivor of the Devil's Flight roller coaster crash and the third survivor to die in the film.
Frankie was a former student at McKinley High School. Although he had graduated in 2003, he continued to sexually harass Ashley Freund and Ashlyn Halperin for the next two years.
In 2005, Frankie was among several amusement park patrons to get off the Devil's Flight roller coaster after Wendy Christensen experienced a horrific vision that the ride would derail. As Wendy had predicted, the roller coaster did crash, killing everyone on it at the time.
Weeks later, after Ashley and Ashlyn both died in a freak accident at the tanning salon, Frankie attended their funeral. He insensitively made the girls' passing all about himself, saying that it was his fault that they died because his perverted behaviour pressured them into spending so much time making themselves beautiful.
Following Ashley and Ashlyn's funeral, Wendy and Kevin Fischer go to a drive-thru fast food restaurant. Suddenly a runaway trucks starts rolling down a sloped road towards Wendy and Kevin, but they are trapped by an SUV behind them, and a Hice Pale Ale truck which backs up too close to the right side of Kevin's truck. Kevin continues to honk his horn to warn the man in front of them, but the man flips them off. The SUV behind them finally backs up, but the truck is already too close, and Kevin is forced to kick out his front windshield so he and Wendy can escape.
When the truck rams into Kevin's truck the engine shoots out and the cooling fan located in the front slices off the back of the man's head. When Wendy and Kevin investigate they discover the man in front of them was actually Frankie. The fan spins one last time, spraying Frankie's brains everywhere, as Wendy and Kevin watch in horror.