Movie Morgue Wiki

Hammerson (portrayed by Stephen McHattie) is the secondary antagonist of the action/comedy film Shoot 'Em Up. He is the CEO of the Hammerson Firearms Corporation who is passionate about guns and also taxidermy. He owns a German Shepherd called Duchess.

Hammerson's business is threatened when Senator Harry Rutledge, a candidate for President of the United States, lobbies for stricter gun laws in America. The senator is terminally ill and will likely never become president; however he has set up a maternity lab in order to produce a child with compatible bone marrow that can be used to save his life. Hammerson discovers this and hires the hitman Karl Hertz to shut down the lab and kill the surrogates. One mother manages to escape and survives long enough to give birth with the aid of the mysterious drifter Mr. Smith. The mother is killed shortly after and Smith takes the child, leading to a massive manhunt.


Near the end of the film, the tired and wounded Smith is captured and held at Hammerson's residence where he is brutally tortured. As Hertz is about to gouge out one of Smith's eyes with a scalpel, Smith headbutts Hertz and the scalpel becomes lodged through the skin on his forehead. Smith then removes the scalpel by shoving his hand on the blade (since his fingers have been broken) and just as Hammerson is about to shoot him, Smith squirts his blood into the gun-runner's eyes and blinds him. Smith then grabs Hammerson's gun and shoots him with it.
