Movie Morgue Wiki

Jellico is a supporting character from the sci-fi horror film Cube Zero. She is portrayed by Terri Hawkes and is the fourth character to die in the film.

Nothing is known about Jellico prior to her imprisonment in the Cube. Even her full name is unknown. She, along with Cassandra Rains, Robert Haskell, Bartok and Meyerhold work together trying to find a way out, using their shoes to test the rooms for traps.

As the group progress, Jellico goes ahead into a blue-hued room, but the door suddenly shuts behind her and the room moves. Worse, a trap is triggered inside the room: a syringe emerges from the floor and Jellico inadvertently steps on it. The syringe contains some kind of bacteria which begins to eat away at her flesh.

By the time Rains and the others find her, Jellico is on the verge of death with no hope of salvation. Meyerhold finds her lying on the floor, but when he turns her over he is horrified to see her face and arms missing skin. In her last moments of breath, Jellico desperately grasps at Meyerhold and scratches his arm, infecting him with the bacteria that's killing her. The terrified Meyerhold pushes Jellico away and she dies when her head hits the wall.
