Movie Morgue Wiki

Jingle was a minor character in the anti-holiday film Violent Night. He was a member of Mr. Scrooge's gang who attacked the Lightstone family compound in order to steal $300 million from their vault. He was portrayed by Finn McCager.


Jingle and the rest of Scrooge's gang had set themselves up as a catering company in order to infiltrate the Lightstone family compound. As the extended family were gathering at Gertrude Lightstone's mansion on Christmas Eve, the gang put their plan into action, locking down the mansion and murdering the security guards and serving staff.

While the Lightstone family members were being held hostage in the lounge, the gang went about trying to open the vault in the basement. However, throughout the night, they were opposed by a man dressed as Santa Claus, who began killing the mercenaries one by one. Little did any of them know that this wasn't just a man in costume, but the real Santa Claus himself.

Later on, the vault was opened and found to be empty. Jason Lightstone revealed that he had planned to steal the money himself and had it moved to a secret hiding place. Scrooge forced Jason to reveal where the money was by threatening to kill his wife Linda. Jason complied with Scrooge's demands and led him outside to a Nativity sculpture on the front lawn, revealing that the money was hidden beneath it.

As the mercenaries gathered the money and prepared to leave, they suddenly found themselves being shot at by Linda, who had taken an assault rifle from Krampus after helping her in-laws kill him. This distracted the mercenaries long enough for Santa to reach them and rescue Jason, though Scrooge and Commander Thorp still managed to get away with Gertrude as a hostage. While Santa went after them, Jason and Linda embraced each other, failing to notice that Jingle was still present.


After Jason went back into the house to check on Trudy, Jingle attacked Linda. While Linda tried to defend herself, Jingle was physically stronger and overpowered her. As he began strangling the life out of her, Linda reached for an icicle hanging from the rim of the sculpture shelter's roof. She managed to snap it off and then stabbed it into Jingle's neck, who released his grip on her and fell to the snow-covered ground. As Jingle died, the blood pouring from his neck wound froze in the cold winter air.
