Movie Morgue Wiki

Jumbo is an antagonist in Killer Klowns from Outer Space.


Jumbo is first seen as a shadow capturing Pooh Bear, a dog owned by an elderly farmer. Soon after the man attempted to try to break the tent and failed, Jumbo appeared and soon encased him in a cotton candy cocoon.

Jumbo later appears at the Big Top Burger. He is at the mini-golf course and attempts to lure in a young girl. He is almost successful, but the girl's mother says she isn’t going anywhere until she finishes her food, which angers Jumbo. Soon, he puts some popcorn in a dumpster and they turn into spawn and eat a busboy.

Jumbo later arrives at the police station and annoys Officer Mooney. After that, the cop places the klown under arrest. Soon he is placed in a cell where two punks from earlier are also inside. He frightens the cop and knocks him out cold before killing the punks.


After Dave returns to the police station, he sees Jumbo has turned a now deceased Mooney into a dummy and encased the punks in cotton candy. He uses the body to say they will kill him. Soon after disposing of the body, he makes his way to Dave. The officer tries shooting the extraterrestrial klown to no effect until he shoots his nose. After being blasted in the nose, Jumbo spins around shrieking until he explodes.
