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Knockout is a supporting character in the DC animated film Suicide Squad: Hell to Pay. A former Female Fury from Apokolips, she fled to Earth due to unknown circumstances. Since arriving on Earth, she has entered into a relationship with Vandal Savage's daughter Scandal. She is voiced by Cissy Jones.


Scandal Savage and Knockout planned to meet Steel Maxum, the previous Doctor Fate, in a bar. Unbeknownst to him, Scandal and Knockout planned to use Steel to obtain the Get Out of Hell Free card from the Tower of Fate. Having taken an interest in Knockout, Steel blindly took them to the Tower, expecting to be rewarded. He and Knockout shared a romantic moment, but Maxum became suspicious of Scandal's apparent disappearance. After finding Savage, Steel raced to take his helmet, but was intercepted by Knockout. The three fought and Maxum was rendered unconscious in the process while Scandal and Knockout escaped with the card.

They later went to kidnap Professor Pyg, who was going to give Two-Face surgery to even out the scarring on his face. They claimed Pyg needed to help their "patient," who turned out to be Scandal Savage's father, Vandal Savage.

Upon finding Scandal and Knockout's apartment, Task Force X acquired the card, but they were intercepted by Vandal and his men. Savage had his men shoot at everyone in the apartment, including Knockout, who shielded Scandal from the hail of bullets. When Vandal walked into the apartment, Scandal begged him to help Knockout. Vandal mercilessly shot Knockout again, seemingly killing her.


As it turned out, Vandal's final gunshot did not kill Knockout outright. She is later seen in a hospital bed on life support, with Scandal by her side. It is unknown if she made a recovery.
