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Nahdar Vebb was a minor character from Star Wars: The Clone Wars. Appearing in the Season 1 episode "Lair of Grievous", he was a young Mon Calamari and Jedi Knight, formerly the padawan of Jedi Master Kit Fisto. He was voiced by Tom Kenny.


After the Trade Federation viceroy Nute Gunray had escaped from Jedi custody, Kit Fisto was tasked with finding him. Arriving on the moon of Vassek 3, Fisto met with his former apprentice Nahdar who had recently been promoted to the rank of Jedi Knight. Together, master and apprentice led a group of clone troopers in investigating a mysterious fortress built into the side of a mountain. They did not find Gunray there, but were shocked to discover that the fortress was the private retreat of the Separatist Army's supreme commander, General Grievous.

What the Jedi were not aware of was that their presence in Grievous' lair had been arranged by Count Dooku as a means of testing Grievous, whose ability to lead the Separatist Army had been brought into question after a series of failures. Monitoring the Jedi and their clone troops from a hidden room, Grievous activated several booby traps and droid sentinels to deal with the intruders while the cyborg general was undergoing repair. As the clone soldiers fell victim to Grievous' traps, Nahdar became increasingly angry and determined to capture Grievous. Fisto tried to calm his former apprentice and keep him from acting rashly, but his pleas ultimately fell on deaf ears.


After being fully repaired, General Grievous confronted Fisto and Nahdar himself. Eager to make Grievous pay for his murderous actions, Nahdar ignited his lightsaber and charged at the General despite Fisto urging him to hold back. By this point, Nahdar was focused solely on revenge and ignored the words of his former master.

Though Nahdar valiantly fought Grievous into a saberlock, the malicious cyborg had the upper hand. Unfolding an extra arm, Grievous brought a lightsaber to Nahdar's midsection and ignited it, stabbing the young Jedi and killing him. Fisto then fled from Grievous' lair while the general took Nahdar's lightsaber for his collection.
