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Noah McNichol is a supporting character in the 2019 superhero-horror film Brightburn. He is the husband of Merilee McNichol and the uncle of Brandon Breyer.


On Brandon Breyer's 12th birthday, Noah and his wife Merilee join the Breyers for a celebration at Darbo's Family Grill. There, Noah gives Brandon a present: a BB rifle. Brandon's father, Kyle, is shocked by this and takes the gun away, saying he doesn't want Brandon playing with something so dangerous. Brandon becomes angered by this and demands that his father give him the gun. His ensuing tantrum causes the electricity in the diner to malfunction as the lights start flickering. The Breyers then leave the diner and Merilee tells Noah that he shouldn't have given Brandon such a dangerous present.

Several days later, Noah leaves a bar to go home to his wife. When he gets there, he notices movement in the shadows, seeing someone or something go into the linen closet. He investigates and turns the light on to see Brandon inside, wearing a strange red mask and cape. He takes Brandon's mask off and scolds him for his behaviour before taking him out to his truck so that he can take him home. Brandon warns Noah not to tell his parents, but Noah tells him he will do exactly that and possibly more.


When Brandon refuses to get into his pickup truck, Noah gets angry. However, Brandon puts his mask back on before attacking Noah with his superhuman strength, sending his uncle flying back against the garage door. Terrified beyond belief, Noah picks himself up off the ground and gets in the truck before driving off in horror, barely able to comprehend what his nephew just did.

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Driving down a dark, deserted road, Noah fearfully looks at his rearview mirrors and out the side windows, thinking that Brandon might somehow be following him. It turns out he's right as Brandon suddenly speeds towards the truck from the side, breaking the passenger side window and using his electrical manipulation ability to kill the truck's battery, causing it to come to a stop. Using his powers of flight and super-strength, Brandon lifts the pickup off the ground while Noah is still trapped inside. After lifting the vehicle several feet into the air, the homicidal boy drops the truck and it hits the road hood-first with a loud crunch. The force of the impact causes Noah's face to smash against the steering wheel so hard that his lower jaw is broken off. The truck then topples onto its side and Noah lies helpless, struggling to hold his jaw in place while he starts to choke on his own blood.

In his last moments, Noah watches as Brandon appears by the driver's window, poking an arm through and covering a finger in his uncle's blood. He uses his blood-soaked finger to paint his symbol on the ground beside the truck as Noah chokes to death on his own blood.
