Movie Morgue Wiki

Paul Leahy was a minor character in the 2004 horror movie Saw. An unassuming average man to most, he was targeted by the notorious Jigsaw, a serial killer who chose his victims based on their dissatisfaction with their lives. Already dead during the events of the film, his story is told through flashbacks of his torment by Jigsaw via the police investigation into his death.


At some point in his life, Paul had developed suicidal tendencies and an addiction to hard drugs. He would seek help for his drug problem at the Homeward Bound Clinic, a rehab clinic run by Jill Tuck. Whether due to the rehabilitation process or another factor, Paul had attempted to take his own life in 2004 by slitting his wrists, but he survived this attempt.

A month after his failed suicide attempt, Paul tried once again to cut his wrists while sitting drunk inside his car. However, he was interrupted by two men wearing pig masks who attacked and abducted him. Paul had fought back and even nearly strangled one of the assailants to death, but the other attacker - Jigsaw himself - injected him with anesthetic and knocked him out.


Paul Leahy's game

When Paul awoke, he found himself in a state of undress and trapped in an intricately-designed enclosure within an otherwise empty cellar. The enclosure was filled with multiple criss-crossing skeins of razor wire. Inside the obscene maze with Paul was an audiotape recorder with a message left by Jigsaw, whose distorted voice confronted Paul regarding his attempted suicide and whether he truly wanted to die or was just seeking attention. Jigsaw offered Paul a choice: if he wanted to die, then all he had to do was stay where he was. But if he wanted to live, then he had two hours to find a way out of the razor wire maze and leave through the door at the back of the room.

Gripped by fear and panic, Paul attempted to crawl his way out of the maze. In his panicked state, he did not take time to consider his movements and suffered many deep cuts. He had almost made it out of the maze, but after suffering severe cuts to his stomach and a number of major blood vessels, he ultimately succumbed to blood loss and died. His body was discovered by police three weeks later.
