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Sebastian Milton is a supporting character and antagonist in Season 11 of The Walking Dead. He is the spoilt, entitled son of Pamela Milton, the Governor of the Commonwealth. He enjoys a decadent lifestyle at the expense of the average citizen and believes that he will eventually come to lead the Commonwealth, not because of any merit to his character but simply because of the privilege that comes with his family's name.


Early life[]

Not much is known about Sebastian's life before the apocalypse, except that he was born into a political dynasty. The Miltons were a wealthy and influential family, with Sebastian's grandfather having once served as President of the United States. Early on in the outbreak, the community known as the Commonwealth was established in the state of Ohio by the Milton family, and so Sebastian continued to live in safety and luxury over the course of the apocalypse, never having to experience the harsh way of life that other survivors endured.

Season 11[]

In the episode "Promises Broken", Sebastian was on a date with his girlfriend Kayla, walking through an area that was being cleared of walkers. Later, while the two were lounging beneath a gazebo, some walkers were approaching them until Eugene Porter stepped in and killed them. Rather than show any concern regarding the presence of walkers in the area, Sebastian simply blew up on Eugene and angrily berated him for "ruining his date". While the two were arguing, another walker approached and Stephanie put it down, getting its blood on Kayla in the process. Sebastian became even more aggravated, but Eugene responded by punching him in the face. Lance Hornsby and Michael Mercer witnessed this and Eugene was taken into custody.

In the episode "New Haunts", Sebastian was being taught how to kill walkers by Mercer in an exercise that Sebastian arrogantly described as "advanced military training". Daryl Dixon and Rosita Espinosa were brought along on the exercise and they were annoyed to find that several of their weapons had been brought along for Sebastian to use without their permission. Mercer explained that Sebastian's status as the Governor's son gave him the right to select whatever weapons he wanted. After two walkers were released from a steel container, Sebastian killed one of them easily with a spiked hammer. He then switched to a knife for the second walker, but failed to drive it far enough into the creature's skull to kill it, resulting in a brief struggle. Daryl stepped in and shot the walker with his crossbow, but Sebastian was far from grateful as he complained to Mercer about Daryl's interference. At that moment, however, Pamela was passing by with an armed escort and Sebastian's smugness faded as he went to join his mother.

That night, Sebastian attended a formal Halloween cocktail party among the rest of the Commonwealth's elite. The party was interrupted by disgruntled guard Tyler Davis, who spoke out against Pamela Milton's leadership, declaring that the Commonwealth elites did not actually care for the welfare of its citizens. Sebastian watched in silence as Tyler supported this claim by telling the room he tried endlessly to talk with Pamela one on one, only to be routinely ignored, and that he lost his job as a trooper and place of residence after making one "mistake": being overpowered and beaten by a prisoner. After Tyler managed to escape the party, Sebastian furiously ordered Mercer to go after him.

Later on, after Daryl managed to find Tyler in the now-empty Halloween fair's haunted house, he convinced the ex-trooper not to kill himself and apprehended him. Sebastian showed up and sarcastically congratulated Daryl for having captured him. Daryl, however, handed Tyler over to Sebastian, and bitterly told him that 'he' did it himself, and followed the two back to the party. Upon arrival, Sebastian was applauded for his apparent arrest of Tyler, and was congratulated by his mother. Sebastian watched as Tyler was taken away, who declared that there were thousands like him who wanted fair and reasonable treatment amongst the Commonwealth's workforce.

Despite congratulating Sebastian publicly, Pamela knew he had nothing to do with Tyler's capture and still admonished him for his previous actions by cutting off his line of credit. In the episode "The Rotten Core", Sebastian, desperate for money to continue his lavish lifestyle, privately recruited Daryl and Rosita to break into an abandoned house outside the Commonwealth's walls, telling them that the house contained a safe holding thousands of dollars in cash. Daryl and Rosita initially refused, but then Sebastian threatened their kids, saying that he would make orphans of them if the two didn't take the job.

Reluctantly, Daryl and Rosita headed into the house and later came out tired and bloodied, but they had gathered up the cash with help from Mercer. Mercer then found out from Sebastian's flunkies that 40 other people had previously been sent to the house and never came back alive, prompting Mercer to shoot them both. He then told Daryl and Rosita to finish the job and deliver the cash to Sebastian, otherwise Sebastian would go after them and their families. The pair returned to the trooper station and gave the money to Sebastian, who gave them a small cut in exchange.

In "Acts of God", Maxxine Porter helped the Alexandrians by digging up evidence of Sebastian's crimes. She took this evidence to The Commonwealth Tribune and left it in Connie's hands, who wrote the story and had it published. In the following episode "Lockdown", with Sebastian's crimes brought to light, the public began protesting and calling out Pamela's leadership while Sebastian himself went into hiding. He was later found in a secret room in Union Station by Carol Peletier and Negan Smith, who took him home to his mother. On the way, an angry protestor recognized Sebastian, calling other citizens over. Negan stayed behind to deal with the mob while Carol hurried Sebastian away.

The next day, Carol and Sebastian arrived at Pamela's office where Pamela embraced her son, before she angrily slapped him and berated him for humiliating her and himself. Sebastian claimed that the story in the Tribune was a lie and that people were looking for someone to blame, thinking he made an easy target. However, Pamela wasn't buying her son's lies, telling him that she would need more than that to save him. Carol then spoke up, telling Pamela that she had been working for Lance Hornsby who was currently out hunting for her friends under the Commonwealth's flag and that she needed Pamela's help to stop him. Pamela didn't know anything about this and didn't see how it would help her, but Carol stated that if Sebastian didn't do the things that he was being accused of, someone did, implying that they pin Sebastian's crimes on Lance. As such, Hornsby was later captured and imprisoned while Pamela told the Commonwealth that he was responsible for Sebastian's crimes.

In "A New Deal", Pamela had Sebastian practice a speech written for him in preparation for the Founders' Day celebration. Sebastian felt it was unnecessary, but Pamela admonished him for his past actions and how his stupidity had jeopardized her career. After Pamela left the office, Sebastian tried practicing his speech with Maxxine present, who offered him a drink. She also discretely pressed the record button on the tape recorder containing a speech by Sebastian's late father. As the device recorded, Maxxine tricked Sebastian into letting his true feelings out and he went into a long-winded rant revealing his true, cynical view of the Commonwealth and what it represented.

Later, during the Founders' Day festival, Sebastian sat beside his mother as they and many citizens watched a wrestling match in the town square. After the match, it came time for Sebastian to give his speech and he stepped into the ring, abandoning the speech Pamela had given him and began making a speech of his own. However, while making his speech, Eugene began playing the recording Maxxine had made over the sound system on a loop. As the crowds listened to Sebastian voicing his entitled view of the Commonwealth and his low opinion of the poor, they began crying out in anger and throwing things at Sebastian and Pamela.

Death and reanimation[]

In "A New Deal", as Sebastian was being pelted by thrown trash, the crowd's voices of outrage turned to screams of panic as a group of walkers had appeared in the town square. People began running in terror as some unfortunate citizens were killed by the undead. As the Commonwealth Army mobilized to deal with the situation, Sebastian looked around and saw Maxxine among the crowd, realizing that the recording - which was still on loop - had been her doing. In a fit of rage, he ran after her. He soon caught up to her, and as a walker approached them both, he grabbed it by the collar and threw it towards Maxxine, smiling as she screamed in horror. At that moment, however, Eugene came to Max's rescue, shoulder-charging the walker and causing it to fall on Sebastian. Sebastian cried out, begging for someone to help him as the walker snapped at him. To his dismay, the crowd stood by and watched with no one lifting a finger to help him. Sebastian managed to throw the walker off him briefly, but it grabbed him again and bit into his neck, tearing out a chunk of flesh. Judith Grimes then appeared and shot the walker, but there was no saving Sebastian, who choked on his own blood and died.

In the following episode "Variant", Sebastian's body was moved to the morgue. Mercer adviced Pamela that Sebastian be put down before reanimating, but Pamela refused. Later, after Sebastian had reanimated, Pamela had him taken to Hornsby's prison cell along with the corpse of Roman Calhoun, one of Hornsby's henchmen. Pamela tossed a machete to Hornsby and told him to feed her son.

In "What's Been Lost", Daryl and Carol broke into the Commonwealth Jail in search of Hornsby in order to find their missing friends. In Hornsby's cell, they found the still bound zombified Sebastian laying in the middle of Roman's dismembered remains and Hornsby in the corner muttering to himself about there always being a way out. Although shocked by the scene, Daryl drew one of his knives and stabbed Sebastian in the head, putting him down. Later, Pamela was called to Hornsby's cell after his, Daryl and Carol's escape. Pamela discovered that, before he left, Hornsby had smashed open Sebastian's head and left his lucky coin behind in Sebastian's spilled brains as a calling card for Pamela.
