Movie Morgue Wiki

Steve Marcus is a character in the 2004 remake of Dawn of the Dead. He is a survivor of the zombie plague that has swept throughout the world and joins the rest of the film's survivors at the Crossroads Shopping Mall in Wisconsin. Pessimistic, lazy and sarcastic, Steve is greatly disliked by the other survivors. He is portrayed by Ty Burrell.


Steve is rescued from Fort Pastor by Norma along with several other survivors. When they arrive at the Crossroads Mall, he makes himself at home and indulges in whatever comforts the mall has to offer. He responds to people's ideas and questions with snarky remarks and does little, if anything, to help improve the group's situation, clearly only interested in looking out for himself. The only survivor Steve seems to connect with is Monica, whom he has sex with.

Later on, the group decides that they should leave the mall. Steve believes that leaving is a bad idea, but inadvertently gives Kenneth and Ana the idea of where to go when he jokingly suggests taking his boat that is docked at the marina. While the group go about modifying the buses for their escape plan, Steve doesn't lift a finger to help. Worse still, while Kenneth, Nicole, C.J. and Terry are on their way back to the mall from the gun shop, Steve locks the basement door in order to keep the zombies out, unconcerned about leaving the others to die. Ana opens the door to let them in, however, and the escape plan goes ahead. Steve gets on a bus with Kenneth, Monica, Terry and Glen.

Death and reanimation[]


Dawn of the Dead (2004) - Steve Dies

The survivors make it through the horde of zombies, but Kenneth's bus gets overturned, resulting in the deaths of Glen and Monica. In an act of selfish cowardice, Steve leaves Kenneth and Terry behind and decides to get away on his own. He doesn't get far at all as a zombie pounces on him from atop the overturned bus and bites him on the neck off screen.

A minute later, Ana is helping Kenneth and the others onto the remaining bus when she spots Steve who has turned into a zombie. Steve screeches at Ana before charging at her, but Ana shoots him in the head and puts him down.
