Movie Morgue Wiki

The Headmaster (portrayed by Eddie Marsan) was the overarching antagonist of Deadpool 2. He was the head of the Essex House for Mutant Rehabilitation, a supposed reeducation facility where young wayward mutants were taught to understand and control their powers. In reality, however, Essex House's staff were dedicated to torturing and abusing mutant children. While the Headmaster publicly portrayed himself as a kindly figure who wanted to heal troubled mutants, he actually considered them an affront to nature.

During the film, young pyrokinetic mutant Russell Collins snapped under the constant abuse he had suffered, threatening to burn Essex House down. This caught the attention of the police, the media, and even the X-Men. Colossus, Negasonic Teenage Warhead and Deadpool arrived at the facility to try and de-escalate the situation. When Deadpool saw the Headmaster and how Russell reacted to him, he immediately suspected the mutant teen to be a victim of abuse. Unfortunately, attempts at settling the situation non-violently failed spectacularly after Deadpool shot one of the Essex House orderlies, leading to both he and Russell being detained by the authorities and being sent to the mutant prison, the Ice Box.

Much later, both Deadpool and Russell had escaped from the Ice Box thanks to Cable. While Russell would ally himself with the Juggernaut to take his revenge, Deadpool rallied Cable, Colossus, Domino and NTW to try and stop him from killing the Headmaster.


At the end of the film, Deadpool had succeeded in convincing Russell not to go through with murdering the Headmaster. By this point, Essex House had been destroyed and its staff had been killed off by Deadpool and his cohorts. As they left the scene, the Headmaster completely dropped his facade of decency, declaring the mutants to be abominations that were irredeemable. Deadpool decided that karma should deal with the Headmaster, and no sooner had he said it, the Headmaster was run over by the cab driver Dopinder.
