Movie Morgue Wiki

Valerie Lewton was one of the main characters of the horror movie Final Destination. She was one of the teachers from Mount Abraham High School overseeing the annual field trip to Paris in 1999. She was one of the seven survivors of the Volée Airlines Flight 180 disaster and the third survivor to die in the film.


Valerie and her colleague Larry Munrau were in charge of Mount Abraham High's annual field trip to Paris in 1999. When Alex Browning had a premonition of the plane exploding, he became hysterical and Valerie and Munrau escorted him off the plane. Carter Horton, Terry Chaney, Tod Waggner, Billy Hitchcock and Clear Rivers followed them to make sure Alex was alright.

After leaving the plane, the group were not allowed back on, but Valerie argued that the teachers had to be allowed back on so that the rest of the students would still have supervision during the field trip. The co-pilot allowed one of the teachers back on board and Valerie volunteered to stay behind while Larry returned to his plane seat. As Valerie and the six students watched from the terminal, Flight 180 exploded shortly after takeoff, killing all 287 people aboard, including the 39 Mt. Abraham High students and faculty members among them.

A month after the disaster, a funeral service was held for the Mount Abraham victims. During the service, Alex approached Ms. Lewton, but she snapped at him, blaming him for the incident. Two days after the funeral, she was passing by a café where she witnessed an altercation between Alex and Carter, during which Terry publicly broke up with Carter. Valerie also witnessed Terry's sudden and shocking demise when she was hit by a speeding bus, splattering her blood over Valerie's face.

Haunted by her decision to tell Larry to get back on the plane and his subsequent death and those of the students under her watch, Valerie decided to leave Mount Abraham and start her life over elsewhere. Whilst packing her things that night, she saw Alex outside her house and believed that he may have been stalking her and plotting to kill her. She called the FBI agents Weine and Shreck who were investigating Alex's involvement in the deaths of Tod and Terry. The agents arrived to find Alex looking under Ms. Lewton's car and took him away while Valerie watched from her window.


Whilst she was busy packing, Valerie boiled some water on the stove to make tea. When she poured the hot water into her mug, she looked at the school logo on her mug and panicked, tossing the water out. She decided to pour a cold drink instead, putting some ice and vodka into the mug. However, she failed to notice that the mug cracked due to the sudden change in temperature and vodka started dripping all across the floor as she walked over to her computer.

Valerie set her mug down above her computer to continue packing, unaware that the vodka was leaking. Some liquid dripped down from the mug and through the vent on the monitor, coming into contact with the circuitry. The monitor short-circuited and Valerie noticed smoke rising from it. As she looked at the monitor, it suddenly exploded and a shard of glass became stuck in Valerie's neck. She impulsively pulled the shard out and began bleeding profusely from the wound.

As Valerie limped towards the kitchen clutching at her neck, sparks flew from the computer and ignited the trail of vodka left on the floor. The fire reached the vodka bottle on the counter, causing it to explode and set the kitchen on fire. The explosion pushed Valerie to the floor. She tried to reach for a towel to use to stop her bleeding, but the towel was placed over a knife rack. As she pulled the towel, the knives fell and one became embedded in her chest.

Alex had been released from custody just in time to witness Ms. Lewton's house on fire as he was walking past. Seeing the fire, he ran into the house and found Ms. Lewton lying bleeding on the kitchen floor with a knife in her chest. He tried to help, but before he could act, the oven suddenly exploded and blew over a chair that fell upon the knife, driving it further into Ms. Lewton's chest and killing her. Unable to save his teacher, Alex ran out of the house before it exploded. However, because he had pulled the knife out of Lewton's chest, he had her blood on his hand and his fingerprints were on the knife, raising the suspicion that he had murdered his teacher.
