Movie Morgue Wiki

Void is a supporting character that appears in Peter Jackson's Braindead. He is a punk who lives in the New Zealand town of Wellington and is the leader of a group of ruffians. He is portrayed by Jed Brophy.


After his mother's funeral, Lionel Cosgrove visits her grave in the middle of the night, intent on digging her zombified body up. Just as he starts, a group of hooligans led by Void arrive and see what Lionel is up to. The other thugs grab Lionel and start beating him while Void, in an act of blatant disrespect, starts urinating on Vera's grave. At that moment, the undead Vera emerges from her grave, ripping off Void's genitals and tearing the skin from his torso, killing him in a painful and spectacularly bloody fashion.

Upon death, Void reanimates as a zombie. His friend Scroat is also turned, but Father McGruder appears and attempts to fight off the ghouls, decapitating Scroat only to get killed and turned himself after Scroat's head falls onto his shoulder teeth-first. Lionel takes the undead Vera, Void and McGruder back home where he ties them up in the basement and tries to hide them, but his greedy uncle Les Kalkon starts snooping around the house and discovers them, threatening to call the police unless Lionel gives him the house and money that Vera had left to Lionel in her will.

In celebration of his imminent wealth, Les throws a party at the Cosgrove house. In order to keep the guests from discovering the zombies, Lionel decides to put them down with poison and then bury them. However, the poison he used was animal stimulant which, rather than kill the zombies, makes them more ferocious than before. Void and the other zombies break out of the basement and start killing all of the party guests, causing them to become zombies as well.


During the party massacre, Void has his legs severed by Paquita and Rita, and is reduced to stumbling about on his hands to move around. While confronting Lionel, his guts spill out of him. However, even this doesn't end him as the pile of organs starts to move about on their own while Void's torso is also still active. Lionel manages to stop Void's torso after stuffing it into the toilet and flushing. Later, he destroys Void's organs by pureeing them with a lawnmower.
