This article lists the various background character deaths that occur in Zombieland: Double Tap.
- The kill count begins with the Columbia Pictures logo as the Torch Lady clubs two attacking zombies with her torch.
- A survivor is shown running from a particularly stupid zombie variant dubbed the "Homer", after Homer Simpson. The Homer ceases pursuing the survivor in order to lick the frost on a bronze statue. After getting its tongue stuck to the statue, the Homer is then decapitated by the survivor using the sword that the statue was holding.
- A scientist locks himself inside a laboratory, keeping out a zombie variant dubbed the "Hawking" due to its higher intelligence. The Hawking spots the corpse of another scientist and rips out one of the corpse's eyes, uses it on the door's retinal scanner and releasing the lock. When the door opens, the Hawking rushes the scientist on the other side and devours him.
- A survivor is exploring an abandoned house when he is ambushed and killed by another zombie variant dubbed the "Ninja", which leaps out from the shadows and tears the survivor apart.
- During the opening credits, Columbus, Tallahassee, Wichita and Little Rock slaughter a horde of zombies in front of the White House. Most are shot dead whilst some others are blown up with grenades, one is stabbed in the lower jaw, one is scalped with a crowbar and one more is impaled on a flagpole.
- In the abandoned mall, Tallahassee shoots a zombie to the floor then shoots it through the head while its down, demonstrating Columbus' Double Tap rule.
- Zombie Kill of the Year #1 - David Sanderman kills a zombie in a wheat field by running over it with a combine harvester.
- While the gang are trying to seize a Winnebago, a swarm of zombies attack. Columbus spots the zombies from atop the Winnebago while Wichita and Tallahassee take them out.
- Tallahassee takes out five zombies with twin pistols.
- A zombie lunges at Wichita, but she shoots her rifle through its neck.
- A zombie runs at Wichita while she is reloading her assault rifle, but new girl Madison steps in and squirts pepper spray in the zombie's eyes, giving Wichita time to reload and kill the creature.
- Columbus shoots a zombie that emerges from an underpass.
- A Hawking zombie climbs atop the Winnebago and lunges at Columbus. Columbus ducks and the zombie sails over him, falling back to the ground and being shot by Tallahassee mid-fall.
- A Ninja zombie crawls out from under the Winnebago and almost bites Madison's ankle, but is shot by Columbus.
- The group encounter their first "T-800" - named after The Terminator - and Tallahassee shoots at it twice only for the zombie to dodge both shots. Tallahassee fires two more shots into its head, but the creature keeps moving towards him. Tallahassee empties his clip into the zombie, but it continues to crawl closer still, until finally Tallahassee crushes its skull beneath his boot.
- Outside the Hound Dog Motel, Albuquerque's Big Fat Death monster truck is attacked by a trio of T-800's. Albuquerque and Flagstaff step outside and deal with the zombies off-screen.
- Zombie Kill of the Year #2 - In Italy, Matteo Bianchi uses a series of mannequinns to lure a trio of zombies into a trap. While the zombies are occupied with the fake prey, Matteo uses a car-jack to topple the Leaning Tower of Pisa, crushing the zombies beneath it.
- At Babylon, the survivors set a trap for the incoming swarm of T-800's. They create a ring of fire around a large tank of bio-diesel which they set off as the swarm climbs over the walls. The tank explodes and destroys a large swath of zombies, but it only constitutes about a third of the horde, if that.
- Inside their killbox, Tallahassee, Columbus, Wichita and Little Rock fend off the horde with melee weapons to no avail. As their position is surrounded, Nevada suddenly arrives in the Big Fat Death, crushing a large number of zombies beneath the monster truck's wheels.
- After the Big Fat Death is overturned, the gang run for Babylon's gates only to be blocked by five zombies. However, these zombies are crushed when Madison and Berkely start shoving large appliances off the tower.
- Four more zombies are crushed by falling objects as Columbus and co. get through the tower gates.
- Tallahassee kills a zombie in the stairwell with a fire axe.
- Zombie Kill of the Century - As he had planned, Tallahassee lured the remainder of the zombie horde to the top of the Babylon tower where the other survivors had formed a gauntlet to corral the swarm towards the tower's edge. Tallahassee jumps and grabs a crane hook dangling away from the edge, acting as bait to lure the horde off the platform and plummet to their demise.
- Two zombies, a prison guard and prisoner handcuffed together, lunge at Tallahassee and grab his leg, threatening to pull him down to his death. Fortunately, the Babylon survivors hadn't confiscated Little Rock's Colt .45 along with the other guns and she uses it to shoot the dangling zombies, saving Tallahassee.
- One last zombie lumbers towards the group, but it is merely a Homer. The gang clear a path and the Homer completely ignores them as it walks right off the edge of the platform.
- In a mid-credit scene, Bill Murray is being interviewed by Al Roker on the day the zombie outbreak begins. Roker turns into a zombie and Murray kills him by beating him over the head with a metal folding chair.
- Bill Murray proceeds to beat several more zombies to death as he makes his escape from the studio.
- A random survivor asks Bill Murray for help before she is tackled and eaten by a zombie.